

For Rev. angel, It's Been About Love All Along
Rev. angel most recognizable image. Photo by Bethanie Hines

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Thanks for being with us as we continue to ceLiberate Rev. angel Kyodo williams' 50 years on this planet with a journey through her teachings, writings, and the best of her numerous podcast appearances. (Did you miss the earlier days? Check back in your email, of check the bottom of this message!)

For days 10, we're focusing on LOVE. Check below for some juicy, juicy love nuggets, straight from Rev. angel herself. And we're really feeling the LOVE that all of you have been sending in as notes, tweets, shares, and donations so that we can build this movement in 2020.

And it's time to kick it into high gear, because along the way in this campaign, we got a $10,000 gift that we need to MATCH by December 31 at 11:59pm Pacific Time. (Just in time for LOVE. So exciting!) 

To give you some incentive, we have not one, but TWO special events we're adding to the mix. Look for details in the "Go All Out For..." email that we'll be sending to everyone.

Your gift is worth twice as much. Will you take 4 minutes to help us make it happen?
Make My Gift Count 2x NOW


  • VISION - Learn how Rev. angels' shows up in the world.
  • GIVE - Discover why you would want to GIVE.
  • GET - when you give from loveStream PLUS a gift for Everyone.
  • GATHER - Enter to win prizes and help us grow Rev. angel's reach!


v i·sion /ˈviZHən/: the ability to think about or plan the future with Wisdom & Imagination (and don't forget Love and Liberation).



In the beginning, Middle and End, There is But Love

In the interest of time and truth, we will let Rev. angel's words simply speak for themselves...and for her.

From one breakthrough media offering, the On Being podcast with Krista Tippett. Which, if you haven't heard, run, don't walk, to listen now. With the honor of being broadcast not once, but twice with a transcript of the full interview, its chock full of love nuggets to chew on for some time to come.

"The way that I think of love most often these days is that love is space."

Krista Tippett: Say some more about that. What do you mean?

Rev. angel: It is developing our own capacity for spaciousness within ourselves to allow others to be as they are — that that is love. And that doesn’t mean that we don’t have hopes or wishes that things are changed or shifted, but that to come from a place of love is to be in acceptance of what is, even in the face of moving it towards something that is more whole, more just, more spacious for all of us. It’s bigness. It’s allowance. It’s flexibility.

There is actually no "love" category on the content library website because it's all about love. Every type of content is found and house in the red glow of love, signified by the quintessential photo of Rev. angel on her favored red background.

Nowhere more profoundly does Rev. angel convey that than in her breakthrough TEDx talk, "It's Not About Love After All," which Rev. angel was attracted to doing partially because the location, Washington Square in New York City, was her late teen stomping ground. (Fun fact: she didn't like red in her younger years. But she felt unequivocally attracted to it and took it on as her power color. Turns out red is the color of magnetizing in the Tibetan-based system of Four Energies.)

[From the "It's Not About Love After All Chapter" of Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love and Liberation. Want your own free chapter excerpt. See the GET section below:]

"In response to the events of September 11th, I wrote what became known as the Warrior-Spirit Prayer of Awakening. The verse became an affirmation of how I wanted to be in response to the challenges of the world and eventually became the penultimate call of the practice community I eventually founded:

Warrior-Spirit Prayer of Awakening
written by Rev. angel Kyodo williams, Sept 11-12, 2001

May all beings be granted with the strength, determination, and wisdom to extinguish anger and reject violence as a way.

May all suffering cease and may I seek, find, and fully realize the love and compassion that already lives within me and allow them to inspire and permeate my every action.

May I exercise the precious gift of choice and the power to change that which makes me uniquely human and is the only true path to liberation.

May I swiftly reach complete, effortless freedom so that my fearless, unhindered action be of benefit to all.

May I lead the life of a warrior.

Check out the amazing conversation Rev. angel had with the folks from Black Girl in Om on living, loving, and learning -- you're guaranteed to come away touched by the affirmations, advice, and real talk about LOVE. Go Beyond Idiot Compassion in this in-depth interview. Then learn How to Make Love, Rev. angel style.

Got stuff? Somehow Rev. angel manages to find her way back to her core thesis in the midst of Totems, Tokens and Always Coming From a Seat of Love. This Interview with Omega Institute on Threading Anger Through Love offers powerful wisdom on how LOVE and anger can actually work together for justice.

Get to know Rev. angel on
It's Not About Love After All TEDx talk  - turn on images to see
"I don't want your love, I want justice." In this powerful and intimately revealing talk, Rev. angel threads the needle between love and justice. It's not about love, after all, and there's nothing but love.
TEDx poster  - turn on images to see


#1 - Always laughing w/ Lama Rod Owens
#2 - "Cutting the Hair" of Rev. Svani Grevemeyer in Novice Priest Ordination Ceremony
#3 - From Global Oneness Interview
#4 -  w/ Writer-Musician Carvell Wallace - first person to meet Rev. angel when she arrived in CA.
#5 - w/ Radical Dharma co-authors and Loves, Lama Rod Owens and Dr. Jasmine Syedullah


Rev. angel's work for LOVE is focused on where the individual and the collective come together -- individual change and power can create the collective change we need. Does that sound abstract? One way to illustrate it is through COLLECTIVE GENEROSITY.

First, you read, hear, and experience Rev. angel's message about LOVE and LIBERATION FOR ALL, and you feel personally moved to DONATE MONEY. At the same time, dozens of other people are reading this email and doing the same thing. THE MONEY ADDS UP to POWER REV. ANGEL'S WORK AND MESSAGE.

Give $3, $12, $24, $108, $1,080 -- the amount doesn't matter, it's about the collective working together. Be part of it. (Plus, your donation is tax deductible.)

Make your tax-deductible gift today: 
GIVE in multiples or multiplications of 12: $12, $24, $36 to $108  or $120, $1200, $12,000 or anywhere along the spectrum that feels good to you
 Rev. angel is made for these times.
PS, Remember, when you GIVE it helps capacity-building for Rev. angel's work. To share a personal birthday offering (we know that sometimes it's personal,) you can do that here.
Share digital love notes here.

GET two times and GET twice the value when you GIVE TODAY

When you give within 24 hours of this email's arrival to your inbox:
#1 -
Everyone gets an excerpt of the "It's Not About Love After All" Chapter from Rev. angel's co-authored book, Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love & Liberationadical Dharma: Talking Race, Love and Liberation


#2 - STAY TUNED for not one but two LIVE EVENTS
and new GETs to be announced on early om New Year's Eve, just in time to usher in 2020, but rest assured if you give today, you'll be eligible to join in and you'll get the free chapter excerpt, too.

Remember, we have a $10K match going on right this moment, so EVERY dollar you give is worth twice as much.

Give generously. Get generosity in return. (UPDATE: To accommodate the growing number of givers, all contributors will get their gifts between January 3 -January 6, depending on the timing of your donation.)
Planetary Film official promo image
Click to watch the trailer of the extraordinarily mesmerizing and important film, Planetary, which not only is Rev. angel in but that she impacted the final version of — and instigated an almost one year delay in the films' release.

Want to give or give more? GET Rewarded:
WATCH YOUR EMAIL New Year's Eve Day for a LIVE EVENT special offer.

from the film Planetary - turn on images to see[Teaser: Watch what happens when you put a stick in a Zen teacher's hands.]

loveStream w/ angel kyodo williams - logo

from the loveStream

IT'S BACK! Curated media from both the archivevs of 15 years of Rev. angel's teaching, speaking and leading plus newly recorded items, livestreams and behind-the-scenes.

Did you loveStream already? Wondering where your love goods are? No need to do a thing. We got you. Coming your way soon.


Wear Your JUSTICE:  Support t-shirts: use discount code "REVANGEL10" (case sensitive) to GET 10% off any purchase.

WATCH THIS SPACE for brand new items and giveaways for the final three days of the campaign. If you miss it, don't say we didn't tell you so! Spread the word. 


We are about to really GATHER. Watch this space for completely new and exciting gifts you can win. If you've already entered, you're on your way to fabulous new prizes (never before seen t-shirts? signed books? and more!) If you haven't started, get a head start now:

Help us get 10K across ALL of our social and information platforms. We invite you to GATHER your friends, family, colleagues and loved ones to join her social media channels to share in the radical vision of Rev. angel. Click below OR better yet,

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Meet Rev. angel & catch up on the previous days in the 12 Days of Vision series
People's Climate March crowd

DAYS 8 & 9

Days 8 & 9 took us on a Planetary ride in which we can see that our ecosphere includes more than just the big blue marble, but its peoples and great forests, creatures and the systems that act between and upon them. If you missed it, its well worth perusing, so (re)visit it out here.

Find all the previous mailings of the 12 Days of Vision series here.
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Rev. angel's "AwesomeA" logo - turn on images to see

copyright © 2019 angel Kyodo williams | zenchangeangel | Radical Dharma
all rights reserved.

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angel Kyodo williams | zenchangeangel | Radical Dharma
2124 Kittredge St # 54
Berkeley, CA 94704-1486

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i endeavor to send content that is illuminating, useful and/or practicable (and occasionally funny) to people i have come in direct contact with through workshops, trainings and talks or who have directly expressed interest in my work-- both on and offline. if i'm not meeting the mark, i would love your feedback. i would prefer to keep in contact, but if you feel this content is not right for you, please use the link below to leave and know that i wish you well. fyi, this is irreversible.
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