A Digital Platform To Unite, Empower and Mobilize Christians Across America and Around the World

The KingdomWorks Project consists of a wide array of resources, technologies and personal tools

that enable Members to have a Positive Impact on the Community and Society

Enroll TODAY and get ready for the Future!

Look around..... In Years Past, Things Were Different

Families stuck together!

Families didn't fight over Politics.

Today, things are really different. Our country is in a state of constant political strife....

Some people would like to do away with Christianity, and anything to do with God! 

Meanwhile, many of the 160 million Christians in America are asleep on the sidelines....

We are allowing career politicians to weave endless webs of deception.... as they strip away our rights one at a time.

Help Us Mobilize the Largest Affinity Group in the World

So, what CAN be done?

Step #1: UNITE Christians

Step #2: EMPOWER Christians

Step #3: MOBILIZE Christians




Step #1 : UNITE Christians

Remember, there are 160 million Christians in America

What If every Christian in America

was given the opportunity to








Step #2: EMPOWER Christians

What If every Christian in America was

equipped with a Personal Dashboard.....

And WHAT IF....


Their Digital Dashboard gave them

access to information, knowledge, and training

Application: If people are given a source of TRUE information, they will share it with others. This will make a difference.

Step #3: MOBILIZE Christians

And WHAT IF....

Their Digital Dashboard gave them

Tools to communicate with their elected officials with just the click of a mouse.


and Tools to communicate with others

Through a Christain Social Network

where Faith is NOT Censored!  

Application: If people are given a source of TRUE information, they will share it with others. This will make a difference.

Take the FIRST Step!

Enroll TODAY and get ready for the Future!