Chin up: How a tight jawline became the new cosmetic obsession

Move over cheekbones, the latest cosmetic obsession is the chiselled jaw. Injectables are available, but in the absence of regulation, there are plenty of risks

The snatched jawline has become a trend on social media. Photo: Stockimage/Getty

Kate Demolder and Saoirse Hanley

It was mid 2020 when Dr Chia Tan began noticing an increase in a different type of request at his aesthetic clinic. Previously, clients would have come looking to address a perceived imperfection in their upper face. Now there was a new focus — the jawline.

“I believe it was in part fuelled by the fact that people were participating in more webcam meetings for work and business needs. There was also a noteworthy increase in inquiries from men who wished to achieve a more chiselled jawline,” he tells Life.