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Bread Pudding Recipe
#breadandbutterpudding is a traditional dessert. If you are looking for #breadpuddingrecipeoldfashioned, you will simply have to butter slices of stale bread, pour the egg-custard mixture on top & bake it for 30 min. But you can also modernize almost any #breadpuddingrecipe by including some extra ingredients. You can, e.g. add chocolate & a bit of alcohol, like in the recipe below. As a result, you will get a yummy, indulgent dessert. #breadpuddingrecipebest #breadpuddingrecipeeasy #breadpuddinghowtomake #tastesofhealth https://www.tastesofhealth.eu/chocolate-bread-and-butter-pudding/
Photo via @TastesOfHealth