Adding BPM Guest to the Calendar

We are going to walk you through Adding Appointments on the Google Calendar. To start: Request access to the WFG Calendar. Email the office manager at

To add BPM Invites to the google Calendar. go to then click on Create.

On the Title write in the following format. Type of Appointment Example: BPM - Name of Inviter / Name of Trainer As an Option for other type of appointments, Replace BPM with it's type. Example 1-1 for Recruiting Interviews at the office. KTP for Kitchen Table Presentations at the prospects home.

Fill out the Date, and Time. then Add Guests: Your Trainer and the WFG Wall Street office.

On the Location; for BPM's Invites add The name and Phone number of the Prospect. The office manager will call them a day before to confirm. You can also add a brief description such as MACHO profile, and qualities of the prospect.

Now choose to add this appointment on the nyc.wfg calendar. If that calendar is not available, make sure that you added them as guest on the previous step. Click Save! You are done!