Quinoa Tabbouleh with Halloumi

Quinoa Tabbouleh with Halloumi

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There are at least three reasons why you should try Quinoa Tabbouleh with Halloumi: quinoa, tabbouleh and halloumi. The salad is also very easy to prepare and delicious. But maybe, I should start from the beginning.

I mentioned in one of my previous posts that it was thanks to Tabbouleh that I started appreciating parsley. Before I tried it for the first time in a Lebanese restaurant, I had always thought parsley was an unnecessary addition to soups and sauces. But this fragrant and full of flavour meze changed my approach to parsley altogether. So now I value both its taste and health benefits.

Tabbouleh is usually made with bulgur, but I made it even healthier and used quinoa instead. This grain is particularly important to people on plant-based diets as it includes all essential amino acids. But this is not the only reason why it is good for all of us. Quinoa has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. It also lowers the total cholesterol level while maintaining the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL). So, it is a perfect ingredient for my tabbouleh.

And what about halloumi? It is undoubtedly the least healthy ingredient in this salad (approx. 25% fat content), but I simply love it! I remember watching cooking programs with Nigella Lawson many years ago, who luxuriated over halloumi’s taste and texture. I didn’t know this cheese then and was eager to try it. When I finally did, I had to agree with her. The sensation of biting into fried or grilled halloumi when it makes this squeaky noise is simply not to forfeit. And since both tabbouleh and halloumi come from the same part of the world, it seemed so natural to combine them in this delicious, easy-to-prepare meal.

Please click tabbouleh with quinoa for the recipe.

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